The level of fandom surrounding Boba Fett always seemed a little disproportionate to what he actually does on screen. The costume certainly makes an impression, but the way The Empire Strikes Back seemed to be building him up made his unceremonious sendoff in Return of the Jedi feel so perplexing and anticlimactic.
For decades, the only place to turn for more substantial Boba Fett stories was the Star Wars Expanded Universe - a series of novels, comics, and other tie-in merchandise that helped flesh out some of the unexplored corners of this galaxy.
When Disney acquired Lucasfilm, however, it was decided that the EU was no longer canon. One of the consequences of that was Boba Fett's fate post-Return of the Jedi. Did he even survive the Sarlac Pit?
Fortunately, season two of The Mandalorian would eventually provide fans with an answer. For the first time in live-action, they'd get a version of the character that attempted to live up to the legend.
Topics include: how the Lucasfilm design team retooled a concept for "Super Stormtroopers" to create our favorite intergalactic bounty hunter, Boba Fett's actual first appearance, the much more ambitious plans George Lucas had for Fett in the original trilogy and why those were scaled back, Disney's controversial decision to wipe the Expanded Universe from canon, notable projects featuring Fett that never came to fruition, our thoughts on his inclusion in season two of The Mandalorian, how we feel about the upcoming Book of Boba Fett series, and more! Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Google Play | Spotify