Episode description
Building a brand = Jump off the cliff and build the plane on the way down
“there are no set rules to build a challenger brand”
Will and Josh, from Willy’s Pies live and breath those adages
Brash oblivion confidence -
mixed with naive intelligence
- tempered with a big ol’ dose of cynical pragmatism good humour
Willy’s Pies is the wonderful story of
action = momentum.
momentum = magic.
magic = more momentum = more magic.
Will, a chef at BRAT and St. John was furloughed, for long, he made taste-tantalising pies.
Will pie-peddled on pie-purveying bike around East London during Lockdown.
Josh, The Operator, joined Will in 2021, from double glaze windows to take Willy’s NEXT LEVEL
4 years later
- Launched and got it wrong at Watford Football Club (tonnes of learnings here).
- Secured Ian Wright as a key investor, collaborated with wagamama,
- Won HUGE BRANDED listings at Arsenal Football Club, Fulham & Football Clubs
- Launched into Ocado
Deeply believe Willy’s Pies are the NEXT BIG challenger brand.
- How To Speed Up Supply Chain Jenga: Constantly Be Asking “What’s holding you up?”
- Why Willy’s East London Early Adopters Were A Super Power Until They’re Not - constantly think House Hold Brand from the Jump
- How to NOT Do A Deal With a Football Club: Painful Lessons from a deal with Watford that went Horribly Wrong (so much in this)
- Willy Pies Sticker Principle + Danny Meyer Move The Salt Principle - “How you do ONE thing is how you do EVERYTHING”
- The Delicate Dance of Working Back Margins + Working Forward Margins to Make the Pie Price Right.
- How Willy’s Got Branded on The Menu at Arsenal Football Club: Show. Don’t Tell.
- The Pride Principle: Why don’t let it fail” is a stronger motivation vs let’s make it work
Loved this one!!