24-2. Non-linear career paths, culture at Google vs. Amazon
Metacast: Behind the scenesJun 28, 2023•47 min
Transcript Available on Metacast Part 2 of the episode about taking a break from corporate careers to start our own podcast technology company. We’ll soon announce our product, so stay tuned!
[02:10] Arnab’s story: from SDE I to a Principal Engineer at Amazon
[06:35] Getting promoted to your level of incompetence and leaving
[11:44] Google vs. Amazon culture
[23:09] One thing we’d take away from Amazon and Google to our startup
[25:32] Join our alpha program
[25:51] Time for silly questions
[28:21] Working from a Google office
[30:28] Biggest risk Ilya took previously
[35:58] Goals for the next year
[37:32] A pathless career path (answering a question from a subscriber)
Full show notes with links:
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