We know that Delphox, Chesnaught, and Rillaboom are the last 3 starters still left to come through 7-Star Raids in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Unsure if Game Freak is waiting for the release of these three before Pokémon HOME, but we talk about possible Tera types for these three coming. Niantic finally announced Pokémon GO Fest 2023, we talk about that and the remaining events for the lackluster Rising Heroes season.
00:03:00 - Introduction
00:05:00 - Scarlet & Violet Raid Talk
00:23:20 - Upcoming SV Events
00:34:40 - Break
00:37:00 - Interview
00:50:30 - Break
00:52:00 - Pokémon GO Fest 2023
01:21:30 - Rising Heroes Events
01:39:00 - Post Credits
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Hosted, edited, and produced by Steve Sarumi
Theme songs and segment jingles by Nicholas Burgess
Ad music comes from Evanto Elements
Podcast artwork by Steve Sarumi