Patty Hatter, tech exec/board member/advisor, shares the best advice ever for women in technology
Episode description
Patty Hatter, former CIO, COO, and current SVP Customer Services at Palo Alto Networks, shares advice for women about how to break the glass ceiling in Silicon Valley. Hear how Patty went from engineering grad student to global exec by cultivating an authentic leadership style.
Listen and learn:
- How six months in Europe shaped Patty's career.
- The advice Patty says served her best when leaving Bell Labs
- Why Patty says "being a CIO is the best role to have had in the past."
- Tips for dealing with unconscious bias in the workplace.
- Patty's advice to women convinced they can't accomplish what men can in high-tech.
Here's a link to the great episode with Mark Settle referenced in the show.