>Gollum sees it, a fish wriggling in the river. He wants it, yes. But what if the slimy thing is poisoned, precious? The tummy rumbles, too loud to ignore. He pounces, snatching the fish with his bare hands. The fish squirms, but Gollum holds tight.
>Too tight, perhaps? The fish slips and launches out of Gollum’s hands and splishes and splashes back into the river. Gollum hears his tummy like a thunder as he watches his catch dart away downstream.
[The fish will remember this, precious.]
Spoilers for the most recent Tears of the Kingdom trailer at the end of this one!
Discussed: Sonic Mania, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tron Identity, Sin & Punishment, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
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Season 5 Cover Art by Scout Wilkinson: https://scoutwilkinson.myportfolio.com/
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