After calamity struck the citizens of Xanthia found themselves frozen in time, statues of flesh and blood strewn about the citadel and the marketplace and the homes and the stables. Outside the walls of the Great City, denizens of the countryside found their lives mostly unchanged, save for a harsh and ominous wind that brought with it the same recurring nightmares. Each morning the farmers would gather in their halls and confirm amongst themselves that yes, they’d all shared the same horrid dream: A dark force, twelve ancient crystals, and a power unholy to wrest them from their plot within Xanthia’s royal vaults.
Most resigned to their fate whole-cloth, prepared themselves and their homes for the incoming havoc. But one brave soul stood apart from the rest, one timeless adventurer rejected the nightmares of the wind and decided to take up arms against the spectral dark. Yep that’s right gang, it’s Dragon Quest XI, and this time QBert is in it.
Games Discussed: Dragon Age XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, Steep, Nier Automata
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