Impermanence - the fact of life that everything is constantly changing and nothing stays the same for long - can be best observed and experienced within our own body.
I took this picture in November 2017 on the last day of my 10 day silent Vipassana meditation retreat in Northern California.
It was at this retreat that I truly observed the impermanence of life, not on an intellectual level but on an experiential level. At this retreat we practiced body scan meditation, being aware of each part of the body from head to toe, for 10 hours per day starting at 4:30 am. Paying close attention to the body it becomes clear that even something that seems fixed, say a pain in my shoulder, is actually changing and moving continuously. Nothing is staying the same. If you've ever scratched an itch to find that you suddenly have another new itchy area in another part of your body, you've experienced this.
Impermanence is all around us. At the 10 day retreat each day I walked past this mountain scene many times and each time it was different. Some mornings it was covered in frost, others fog and others bathed in sun. It was an outward lesson on impermanence mirroring what I was learning inwardly through body scan meditation.
I invite you to have a small taste of the ever changing nature of our bodies and of our lives, with this guided body scan meditation.
I hope you enjoy and would love to hear about your experience in the comments below.
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Connect with your big vision for the next chapter of your life and start living it in 10 weeks or less using envisioning and the power of your mind.
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🔥 WHO I'm creating this for:
I'm creating this for YOU if you are feeling stuck & frustrated after saving and investing for years to create "financial freedom" only to find yourself:
🔥 WHAT we’ll do together over 10 weeks:
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🔥 My promise to you:
At the end of 8 weeks, you will be able to point to specific and tangible ways that you’re living out your new vision already.
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