Welcome to The Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. I'm your host Adam Coelho and I'm so glad you're here.
This guided meditation is a practice of offering kindness and compassion to those who are suffering.
With so much suffering happening in the world, the question of how I can help often leaves me feeling overwhelmed. But this simple practice of Metta, or loving kindness, which I learned from Sharon Salzberg and others, is a way of offering kindness and compassion to those who need it. Think of it as sending out kindness or good vibes to those who are suffering. It’s incredibly powerful. Not only does it feel good and put positive energy into the universe, it orients your mind towards kindness and helping. Training this muscle of compassion makes it more likely that you’ll recognize opportunities to help those in need in your own part of the world when the situation arises.
In this practice we begin by settling the mind by checking in with ourselves and then eventually finding our way to the peace of the breath. Then we switch gears into the loving kindness compassion practice which we direct towards our self, someone suffering in our life and finally to all those who are suffering in the world.
I hope you enjoy this practice and would love to hear what you think. Drop me a DM on Instagram @themindfulfirepodcast and don’t forget to subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday!
Be well, my friends.
Full Show Notes : https://bit.ly/36vRwcD
More Inspiring Interviews : https://bit.ly/3AWQHrh
More Guided Meditations : https://bit.ly/3xFAHYS
PS: Introducing the…
🔥 FIRE Starter Group Coaching Program
Connect with your big vision for the next chapter of your life and start living it in 10 weeks or less using envisioning and the power of your mind.
Interested? Let's chat.
🔥 WHO I'm creating this for:
I'm creating this for YOU if you are feeling stuck & frustrated after saving and investing for years to create "financial freedom" only to find yourself:
🔥 WHAT we’ll do together over 10 weeks:
In this small group coaching program, you will:
🔥 My promise to you:
At the end of 8 weeks, you will be able to point to specific and tangible ways that you’re living out your new vision already.
🔥 Sound interes...