Welcome to The Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. I'm your host Adam Coelho and I'm so glad you're here.
As we transition seasons from Spring to Summer, what are you carrying that is no longer serving you? It may be the weight of things you said you would do or change when at the start of the year. It may be obvious or it may be more subtle.
I know that I personally have been noticing a story in my head about all the things I told myself I would do this year and did not get to yet. I've even been feeling bad about not meditating as regularly as I would like. As I pause during this period of transition from Spring to Summer, I've asked myself a wise question, shared by a friend many years ago, "Is this useful?". The reality is, it's not. With that awareness, can I choose to be kind and compassionate to myself and simply let it go?
That's what today's meditation is all about. It's a self compassion practice that invites you to let go of anything that is not serving you as you transition into the summer and the second half of the year. I hope you receive it as an invitation to be kinder and gentler with yourself, because you're carrying a lot this year and last year. Put some of that weight down and move forward fresh.
Full Show Notes - https://bit.ly/3vu4d1v
More Inspiring Interviews - https://bit.ly/3gqUjJK
More Guided Meditations - https://bit.ly/2U6EHCJ
PS: Introducing the…
🔥 FIRE Starter Group Coaching Program
Connect with your big vision for the next chapter of your life and start living it in 10 weeks or less using envisioning and the power of your mind.
Interested? Let's chat.
🔥 WHO I'm creating this for:
I'm creating this for YOU if you are feeling stuck & frustrated after saving and investing for years to create "financial freedom" only to find yourself:
🔥 WHAT we’ll do together over 10 weeks:
In this small group coaching program, you will:
🔥 My promise to you:
At the end of 8 weeks, you will be able to point to specific and tangible ways that you’re living out your new vision already.
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