Is your school district looking to make a change in it's Learning Management System, or Student Information System? Are you tired of getting recommendations based only on reading twitter and edtech blogs?
In this episode of the TeacherCast Podcast, I sit down with Michael Winters and Molly Levitt from EdSurge to discuss their new service called EdSurge Concierge. Recently released and made available to school districts across the country, EdSurge Concierge allows School Districts a simple and personal, 1:1 consultation to speak with one of their technology integration experts to help you find exactly the application you need and put you in contact with that company to help you and your team provide the best learning environment for your students.
According to
EdSurge is one of my favorite places to learn about edtech trends and news. With over 90,000 followers on Twitter, it absolutely should be on your “must follow” list.
Recorded in 2017