In this episode of the TeacherCast Podcast, Jeff welcomes the Global Director of Education from Cisco, Renee Patton on the program to discuss the topic of Teachers being Entrepreneurs.
If you are interested in starting a side business to support your teaching, or if you have ever had a student come to you and say “I have an idea … now, what?” this is a fantastic episode that features tips, tricks, and amazing stories of what is happening in today's classrooms.
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In this episode, we discuss:
Renee Patton, Global Director, Education Industry, Cisco
Renee Patton is the leader of the Global Education Industry at Cisco. She and her team help schools, colleges, and universities envision the future of learning and start planning and executing on their vision today. With over 20 years of business, management, sales, and marketing experiences in both small start-ups and large corporations, Renee has managed through adversity and diversity to help customers realize technology solutions that drive business outcomes. Including a Master’s Degree in Education from Stanford, Renee has spent 22 years in education, giving her a clear perspective to address business issues and changing landscapes. Always a curious learner herself, it was after earning her undergraduate degree that she became a high school English and French teacher. She coached cross-country and moderated the student yearbook and newspaper, becoming deeply ingrained in the school culture. She then spent four years on the district side managing policy and a $20M budget for Los Gatos-Saratoga JUHS Board of Trustees, learning firsthand how a district runs and understanding regional challenges. Prior to joining Cisco full time, she ran her own marketing consulting firm for seven years, working with agility to develop strategy...