Very few people know or even understand the rights they have in this Amazing Country we call home, Australia is one of beauty and freedom, we don't preach it like Americans do, but we should be raising our voices together when we become concerned for our freedoms as the government here tries to dictate "If 40% of the population do not use the tracking app we will just have to enforce longer restrictions" From the prime minister himself. Now that's not democracy for starters 40% in the minority not the majority and that not how we work here in Australia and if you think that it is you are being fooled by the mask of fear generated by the media and government. The Australian Gov can not dictate to you or I on what we can and can not do period! They even stated in a press today that Draconian measure would have to be enforced if people didnt comply meaning making sure you have the app no matter what.... a little concering huh?
IF you want to learn more about your freedoms, the constitution then I would advise you to jump on over to the Gov website and grab it :) you have the right to view and read it. link below