Fun Fact!! #1
Just because I'm a local small business owner and operator.. Doesn't mean I'm not entitled to an opinion or point of view 🤦♂️ I'm not going to be someone I'm not just because I have a business... That would be a fake representation of myself and that's not what I stand for, if you know me you know I'm about being authentic and not fake for the sake of a few dollars or client's, that wouldn't make me unhappy or my clients happy!!
Fun Fact #2
If my clients have an issue with anything regarding my service they know they can openly discuss it with me... What separates an average business from a great business is accepting good feedback and bad feedback.
Fun Fact #3
I'm a business owner and operator, all of my clients accept me for who I am and what I stand for and vice versa, your vibe attracts your tribe. If I wasn't me and true to myself then I'd be nowhere because that would be a fake me!
Fun Fact #4
We are all entitled to an opinion, point of view and free speech. We have that right as humans, we can't give offence it's something that's taken. If I say something or view something you're not happy with that's ok because that's your point of view that's your RIGHT as a human to have that opinion and im not going to be mad about, lifes too short for childish drama like that.
#HaveANiceDay #JustBeYou #ItsNotRealIfYoureFake Merchandise
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