DAY TWENTY FOUR - It's Christmas Eve, Time to Celebrate You, Santa News and more!
Here we are on Day 24 of the Daily Santa Podcast
For the past 23 days we have put out a challenge - for you to do something that will add your name to Santa’s nice list,
We have even talked about what happens if you make a mistake - we all make mistakes! Yes, even Santa makes mistakes.
If you have tried even one of the 23 suggestions we offered here on the Daily Santa Podcast - congratulations!
Now it is time to celebrate! To celebrate you!
When we try something new, or learn a new thing, we need to stop and ask “What have we done to celebrate?”
Celebrating everyday is the goal for Day 24
Here are 5 simple ways to celebrate your every day.
1. Start Everyday with a Celebration.Every day is a gift.
What are you thankful for? Your family? Your Pet Goldfish? Your friends?
When you begin your day with celebration, you will have more joy for the rest of your day.
We shouldn’t only celebrate the big things
Little things matter! Right Selfie??
When we celebrate the little things in life that we did well, it makes us stronger.
If you start feeling like you are not getting better, celebrate all the awesome things that you do on a daily basis.
This tip has a double bonus—when you celebrate someone else, both of you feel awesome!
When you celebrate someone else for the little things, they feel valued
When you celebrate all the good things others do for you, it helps you appreciate others more and it helps others feel great too.
Now that’s a double win.
Sometimes you need to start a parade!
Someone has to lead the band down the street and kick this off
Don’t wait for someone else to celebrate something good
You start the party!
Just as you begin every day in celebration, let’s end the day celebrating as well
Remember celebration is an attitude
Again, if you tried any of the tips we shared here on the Daily Santa Podcast - let’s celebrate!
We would love to hear from you