On today’s episode of FRESH Takes On The Future Of Work, host Jess Podgajny is joined by Tobin (Toby) Trevarthen. Toby is the CEO and Founder of Spatial Shift, a strategic narrative design consultancy, and CEO and Founder of The Narrative Playbook, a narrative design lab. Together, Jess and Toby discuss the significance of narrative and the desire for freedom in the workplace.
To Toby, the future of work is defined as an “evolutionary state of existence in a connective world.” He recognizes that we need a new social contract in the workplace due to employees wanting more lifestyle changes versus physical perks. His advice to leaders is to learn to express yourself to your team first and discover how your employees operate best.
To connect with Toby, find him on Linkedin, Spatialshift.com, and Thenarrativeplaybook.com
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Podcast music composed by Emily Gabriele: https://www.egmusicnyc.com/