Episode description
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of miscarriage, sexual assault, abortion, etc.
On today’s episode of FRESH Takes On The Future Of Work, host Jess Podgajny is joined by her friend Erin Kreszl. Erin is an MBA, non-profit founder, former investment consultant, and mother to two young girls. Reflecting on the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Jess and Erin share their thoughts on abortion access and its effects on women, their careers, and their lives.
Erin shares her story of choosing to carry out a difficult pregnancy, despite learning that her child would have challenging physical and developmental needs. Now, Erin is grateful for her daughter as well as her choice to have her, especially because she was in the right financial position to be her mom. In a country with inadequate paid family leave and little professional security for women, Erin and Jess highlight the importance of bodily autonomy and urge employers to protect the reproductive rights of their female employees.
For those seeking access to healthcare or wanting to donate to the care of others, learn more under “Resources” at the bottom of the show notes.
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Reproduction Autonomy resource Guide
How to Show Up for Abortion Access
https://abortion.cafe/ - this is a collection of abortion resources
shoutyourabortion.com - this is a campaign to normalize abortion
https://donations4abortion.com/ - donate to support abortion funds by state
https://secure.actblue.com/donate/supportabortionfunds - donate to the national network of abortion funds (donations split between 80+ abortion funds)
https://usow.org/repro/volunteer/ - this is a list of abortion clinics across the country that need volunteers
https://dontbanequality.com/ - this is language for companies to use to stand against the ruling
plancpills.org/ambassadors - here are early abortion access pills you can store in your cabinet
https://prochoice.org/ - this is an abortion access hotline
https://natalist.com/products/early-pregnancy-test-strips - buy early pregnancy test strips
https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control - get info on types of birth control
https://choice.crd.co/ - this is a collection of these above links and more. Managed by @starplanes - DM them on twitter to add more
https://www.guttmacher.org/state-policy/explore/abortion-policy-absence-roe - abortion policy by state as of June 1, 2022
More in-depth version: https://www.guttmacher.org/state-policy
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/countries-abortion-legal-illegal-laws-rcna27505 - this is an article showing a map of abortion laws worldwide and their restrictions
https://abortoenmipais.ipascam.org/ - mapa interactivo sobre el acceso al aborto en Latinoamérica
https://abortion.eu/ - this is an initiative to fund abortion access for Polish people
https://www.safeabortionwomensright.org/i-need-an-abortion/abortion-funds/ - this is a list that contains abortion funds from the U.S,. Mexico, Poland, Germany, and the UK
https://www.mamamia.com.au/abortion-pill-australia/ - information about accessing abortion pills in Australia, including tele-abortion
https://www.nwci.ie/abortionaccess - abortion access campaign options for Ireland, where even after the repeal, accessing abortion is still nearly impossible
https://mesaborto.cl/quienes-somos/ - espacio de articulación integrado por diversas organizaciones...