Chris Curran is the founder and lead instructor of Podcast Engineering School, teaching folks how to produce podcasts at the highest professional level. He also hosts The Podcast Engineering Show and The Mystic Show. Today, Harry and Chris reflect on spirituality, overcoming limiting beliefs and Chris’ expertise in the audio and recording industry.
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Key Takeaways06:26 – Harry and his good friend and Founder of Podcast Engineering School, Chris Curran catch each other up on all of their latest projects, including the Vertical Farming Podcast
14:09 – Politics, anarchism, and the otherworldly
21:13 – Chris reflects on his spirituality and his liberating journey
28:00 – Leaping beyond your limits
36:32 – Chris’ most recent metamorphosis
43:53 – Trends Chris has observed in the podcasting industry
46:23 – Something Chris has changed his mind about recently
49:40 – Harry thanks Chris for joining the show and lets listeners know where they can go to connect with him
Tweetable Quotes“Americans are the most ungrateful people ever, like in the history of the world.” (13:53) (Chris)
“To me, as a human being, I’m more interested in the unseen, the things that you can’t see with your eyes, which is 99.9999 percent of your life is unseen. You can’t see it, but it’s there. And you know it’s there. There’s such a depth to this human experience. And to just get caught up in the day-to-day news cycle is so superficial. And again, everyone is on their journey, and all the phases of the journey are good.” (18:37) (Chris)
“Our bodies are what they are. Our soul is pure; it’s part of God. So, our soul is what it is. Our body is what it is. So, the mind is the only thing that we can change, or manipulate, or massage, or improve, or regulate.” (23:09) (Chris)
“If you don’t regulate your mind, what happens is your mind runs rampant. You should be the master of your mind. Your mind should not be the master of you.” (27:34) (Chris)
“Here’s part of the problem. I’m a professional in the audio and recording industry. So, if I try to sing something, I can actually hear how bad it is.” (42:32) (Chris)
Resources MentionedChris’ LinkedIn –
Chris’ Podcasts:
The Podcast Engineering School Show –
The Mystic Show –
Chris’ Book:
Leap Beyond Your Limits –
Podcast Engineering School –
Podcast Engineering School YouTube Channel –
Podcast Engineering School Instagram –