As Host of the Meaning Movement podcast, Dan Cumberland and his guests explore the deep purpose of life, helping listeners to take control of their own destiny and find joy in their lives. Through meaningful conversations with entrepreneurs, neurodivergent people, and other specialists, they share stories and strategies to help unlock inner potential and create meaningful lives. Join them and be inspired by the stories and strategies of real people who have taken their lives into their own hands.
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Key Takeaways“I love mentoring and helping people become who they're made to be, but also just a square peg in a round hole. Then coming out of that, basically it felt like my whole life kind of unraveled on me because I thought that was what I was supposed to do.”
“I’ve heard you talk about this with some of your guests, just how important it is to listen for the questions that you might miss otherwise and how you never do it perfectly. But you know, when something emerges and it's like, yeah, that's the direction we need to go next. I think just listening to the guests and then listening to myself in the conversation, I think I've gotten a lot better at that, which is just a long, fancy way of saying I think I've gotten better at interviewing.”
“It’s just been just really helpful to have more language, to have more stories, to hear other people's experiences, and to feel like the parts of me that don't make sense, have a way of making sense”
“It's just been just really helpful to have more language, to have more stories, to hear other people's experiences, and to feel the parts of me that don't make sense, have a way of making sense, I think is the best way that I can say it.”
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