Nick Loper is the Founder and Chief Side-Hustler at Side Hustle Nation, a community of like minded and hard working individuals who are looking to make extra money and build businesses. Today, Nick joins the show to discuss where his entrepreneurial spirit came from, why he wants to pass the lesson of working for freedom down to his children, and the valuable lessons he’s learned from failure. Nick speaks to the evolution of his relationship with his listeners, fatherhood, and the value of places on creativity.
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Key Takeaways06:26 – Nick Loper joins the show to share the origins of his entrepreneurial spirit & when podcasting came on his radar
17:26 – The Beginner Mindset, Nick’s early tech stack, and guest research
24:42 – Cultivating an incredible community through the Side Hustle Nation podcast
26:41 – Nick’s TEDx Talk
30:59 – How Nick has grown as a podcast host
42:53 – Nick takes the audience through a typical Production week and what his plans are for the future
48:07 – The joys of fatherhood and passing along the entrepreneurial spirit
53:45 – Something Nick has changed his mind about recently and the most misunderstood thing about him
59:35 – Harry thanks Nick for joining the show and lets listeners know where they can go to connect with him and learn more about Side Hustle Nation
Tweetable Quotes“We want somebody to learn in exchange for their forty-five minutes of tuning in. It’s still a hurdle to get somebody from stranger to listener. They gotta find their podcast app. They gotta search for your specific show. They gotta scroll down to the specific episode you’re talking about. They gotta find a forty-five minute gap in their day to actually tune in. It’s a big ask and so the hook for that has got to be really compelling.” (22:36) (Nick)
“Side Hustle Nation is a show that people hopefully graduate out of at some point, where they find their idea and then they go off and do that thing.” (24:58) (Nick)
“A podcast by itself is not a business. It can be a perfectly viable content marketing arm for a business. And shifting that was a huge inflection point. And what that looked like in practice, in my case, was creating episode-specific lead magnets.” (33:02) (Nick)
“Fatherhood has softened me in a lot of ways. And it’s aged me horribly in a lot of ways. They just know how to push your buttons. But, at the same time, it’s super rewarding to watch them learn, and grow, and sponge up the world around them.” (48:14) (Nick)
“Along those notes of dealing with failure, the big thing is positioning any new project in your mind as an experiment. I find, for me, that that really softens the blow of the inevitable failures that come along the way.” (1:00:41) (Nick)
Resources MentionedNick’s LinkedIn –
Nick’s Twitter –
Nick’s Podcast –
Nick’s Website –
Nick’s TEDx Talk –