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Join us for an engaging journey into the world of podcasting with my friend and OG podcaster Dave Jackson, as we delve into the innovative ways AI is revolutionizing storytelling. With an impressive repertoire of 31 shows and nearly 5,000 episodes under his belt, Dave offers insights that are bound to pique your curiosity, stimulate your thoughts, and ignite your inner storyteller.
This episode not only traces the growth of podcasts and how they're discovered, but also captures the joy they bring to both creators and listeners. We cover everything from overcoming introversion to the essence of human connection, showing how our inherent need for social interaction continues to thrive in the digital age. Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or a novice, this conversation is full of intriguing tech trivia, inspiring stories, and practical advice. So don't miss out on this compelling discussion - it's a must-listen for every story lover.
Episode SponsorFullCast – https://fullcast.co/
Key Takeaways(00:00) Podcasting Journey and AI Impact
(08:05) The Impact and Joy of Podcasting
(18:36) Growing Up, Podcasting, and Overcoming Shyness
(30:34) Musical Discoveries and Creativity Journey
(37:30) AI and Podcasting's Potential Impact
(46:09) Overcoming Podcasting Fears, Finding Common Ground
(51:48) Connecting and Sharing Podcast Stories
Tweetable Quotes"The part that pulls on your strings as a human is the stories and as far as I know, AI has not had its heart broken yet or just the stuff you go through when you're growing up.""And it's always fun when you meet someone who listens to all of your episodes, because they kind of know you, or at least feel like they do, and you have no idea who this person is.""It's super creative, there are no rules, you can do whatever you want. And then the fact that I get to help people, it just scratched every itch I have."Connect with DaveSchool of Podcasting - http://schoolofpodcasting.com/
Dave's Email - schoolofpodcasting@gmail.com
Dave's Twitter - https://twitter.com/DaveJackson
Dave's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/schoolofpodcasting/
Dave's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/schoolofpodcasting
Dave's Linkedin - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davejackson/
Resources MentionedMike Russell from Music Radio Creative - https://musicradiocreative.com/
ChatGPT - https://chat.openai.com/
Descript - https://www.descript.com/
Zoom PodTrak P4 - https://zoomcorp.com/en/us/podcast-recorders/podcast-recorders/podtrak-p4/
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