04:04 – Harry welcomes Alex Sanfilippo to the show to discuss his background in the aerospace industry, his entrepreneurial journey and the importance of quality over perfection
13:16 – Alex’s podcast origin story and how he landed on the topic of his show
17:37 – How starting a podcast helped prepare Alex for starting a business
20:58 – Alex reflects on his growth as a podcast host and a memorable interview he conducted
29:02 – How Alex explains to non-podcasters what he does for a living and the powerful medium of podcasting
32:09 – Alex speaks to his latest project, PodMatch
35:53 – Alex talks about how much he learns while running his podcast
39:02 – How Alex met his co-founder of PodMatch, Jesse Hunter
45:30 – Alex speaks to his core values and the importance of having a support person or system
49:59 – What excites Alex about the future of PodMatch
52:54 – What is something that Alex has changed his mind about recently and the most misunderstood thing about Alex
58:51 – Harry thanks Alex for joining the show, and let’s listeners know where they can connect with him
TWEETABLES“What I really liked doing was building something. I just enjoyed the act of doing that, learning something new, always being challenged.” (07:24)
“That’s what made me decide to start a podcast. It was the side hustle to kind of scratch that itch of doing something that I felt that I was actually creating in real-time and could leave an impact with.” (14:19)
“I look back now and I think what I love the most about it was the process of finding the guest, recording, editing, finding out the business side of it. I can even remember registering for an LLC and thoroughly enjoying it. Sure I was just starting a podcast, but I was starting a business. That was a practice for what my future was gonna look like.” (18:00)
“I’m surprised how many people still don’t understand podcasting. One out of three people I tell don’t know what a podcast is or have never listened to one.” (30:50)
“For me it all stems back to my faith. I’m really driven by that and it’s the most important thing in my life.” (35:07)
“I take everyone really seriously because it’s the way I’d want to be treated. And I think being that student is gonna serve you a lot better than pretending you’re some sort of master at something.” (45:12)
THANK YOU SPONSORS!LINKS MENTIONEDPodcast Junkies Junkies Facebook Group
Link to Podfest Expo Virtual Summit
Link to Jesse Hunter’s LinkedIn
Link to Catch Me If You Can Movie
Link to John Lee Dumas Podcast
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