In this episode, I’m sitting down with Landen Jones. Landen Jones is a former US Army Sniper, a current Cowlitz County Deputy Sheriff, and the lead sniper for the XXX regional SWAT team. Landen comes to Modern Day Sniper with the same goals and vision as what drives us - evolve and expand, and he wants to bring that to law enforcement sniper training, nationwide. I wanted to sit down with Landen and get to know him a little better, and explore the reason(s) that he got himself into the world of sniping. Landen is a guy who’s passionate about his craft, and dedicated to building himself into an effective and efficient communicator. We discuss Landen’s background, some of his combat experience as a sniper in the GWOT, and how he found himself in his current role at his day job, and where he’s at with us at Modern Day Sniper.
Want to train with us at an In-Person class this year? There’s nothing quite like an in-person class experience, and we’ve got some awesome places to train this year! Check out our schedule, I’m sure we’re close to you somewhere!
Can’t make it into an in-person class? No sweat, we’ve got you covered with the best online training programs out there today. Monthly subscription services and digital masterclasses - those are our jam, come see what we’ve got to offer and get 14 days FREE with your membership.
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Check out our YouTube page too - we’re just getting started, but there’s a lot of great information there already.
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IG - @ moderndaysniper