This week I'm joined by Marjorie Sundström and Louise Waller to talk about Orange Day on Nov 25, the international day for the elimination of violence against women and girls. It's a cause Marjorie has long supported privately and professionally, and Louise works for UN Women in Sweden with such issues.
There's a business shout-out to remind you to get your Christmas food ordered, and a reminder that Thin Lizzy's Brian Downey is on tour in Sweden this week.
If your'e experiencing domestic violence in Sweden, you can contact Kvinnofridslinjen on 020 50 50 50 or visit their website at
Irish listeners can reach out to or call 1800 341 900.
Read more about Orange Day and how you can engage in Sweden:
10 ways to end violence against women:
Make a one-off donation to our Orange Day fundraiser to end violence against women and girls:
Support UN Women Sweden work by becoming a monthly donor: