Episode 124 - When Anger and Frustration Shows Up and the Impact It Can Have on Others - What You Need to Hear Before You React
Have you ever crossed a line and regretted it immediately - what pushed you to that point, what was it that caused you to go somewhere you never entended to go. Anger and frustration can lead to hurtfull moments that can't be taken back.
Keep in mind...
When you're angry. Stay silent. Don't waste your time with explanations. Sometimes silence is the best way to cope with your emotions. People only hear what they want to hear. Accept criticism, but never accept disrespects. The best way to respect yourself is to discipline yourself. Persevere. And never give up on something that you truly believe.
It's difficult to wait. But it's more difficult to regret. Don't let success go to your head. Don't let failure go to your heart. If you are a giver Remember to know and learn your limits. Because the takers don't have any. Remember, it's better to cry than to be angry, because anger hurts others.
While tears. Flow silently through the soul. Clean our hearts. Giving us a fresh reset when you're angry. Stay silent.
This morning. Those who died yesterday had plans for this morning. And those who died this morning. Had plans for tonight. Don't take life for granted. In the blink of an eye. Everything can change. So, forgive often. And love with all your heart. You'll never know. If you have the chance to Do it again.
Today, there is no time. Tomorrow, there will be no energy. And the day after tomorrow. We may no longer be here. So, don't delay anything. Live a life. You will remember those who died yesterday.
Eight things that Your dad has never told you.
Ever wonder about the silent battles, and unspoken dreams that Your dad carries in his heart?
Number one. Behind his steady presence, was a constant fear of not being enough.
of not providing the way he wished he wanted, to give you the universe everything he never had
Number two, his love for you is an ocean, deep and vast, struggling to show it.
He hoped you'd feel it in his actions his sacrifices.
Number three. He might not have always said the perfect thing, but in his heart, he was and is your biggest cheerleader - bursting with pride at your every step.
Number four. Every day, he aspired to be the man that he wanted you to look up to - his greatest, hope in life is that you would soar higher and shine brighter than he ever could.
Number five. Without a moment's hesitation, he would lay down everything for you, your safety, your happiness meant more to him than his own life.
Number six, through every hardship, every sacrifice he'd willingly Walk the same path a thousand times over. Just to see you smile to know that you're safe.
Number seven to him, you're not just a part of his life. You are his life, the light that guides him, The joy that lights up his world.
Number eight, every achievement of yours no natter how big or small fills him with an Indescribable Pride. You are his greatest accomplishment, let this be a reminder of the invisible crowns that Our dads wear and the legacy of their love for us.
music provided by Blue Dot Sessions
Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270