EPISODE 14 - Ron Nussbaum - US Marine shares his thoughts on serving his country, his partner and his son, transitioning to working from home and Lego
Welcome to Dad Space - we spend time with Ron Nussbaum a work from home Dad that traded in a 2 hour commute, moved his family to a new community and he also served his country as a US Marine.
Ron shares his passion for supporting men, helping Dad's level up and be present at home!
Ron owns his own business - https://www.nuttnest.com/
Ron is also the author of Buying For Exit: How to Buy and Sell a Business Like a Pro
Ron owns his own business and he is also the author of Buying For Exit: How to Buy and Sell a Business-Like a Pro on Your First Deal
Oh, and we talk about Lego as well!
podcast produced by TrueMediaSolutions.ca