EPISODE 7 - Look in the Rear View Mirror - What do you see, Are you building trust as a Dad
Next time you are on a road trip and everyone is passed out, sleeping, resting comfortably - completely safe, secure and trusting that you, their Dad will get them to your destination safely - soak it in.
The trust that they have in you, the confidence in your ability, their lives are in your hands - you are responsible for more than just yourself like when you were young and single - not a care in the world - it is much different now.
In those moments of complete trust demonstrated by rest, sleep and comfort your family is sending you a message - you got this Dad - we trust you - I will not fear. I will be carried to my bed when we arrive, I will awake tomorrow and be none the wiser of how I got here because Dad got us there. Build this same trust, confidence and faith daily and in as many ways as possible - you might never receive thanks for everything that you do - sometimes your Dad-ness happens in their sleep - but take notice, they trust you. Savor it!
podcast produced by TrueMediaSolutions.ca