Episode 152 - A Thought For Dads - The Villain's Perspective - Understanding My Journey
If I'm being honest, truly honest with myself, I'm tired.
Not the kind of tired that sleep can cure. No, this is deep.
This is the kind of tired that weighs on your soul. I'm so tired of going through the same struggles, tired of trying and nothing working out.I've given it everything I've got.
But here I am, drained. It's not about wanting to die. It's not that.
But if the gods were sitting right across from me, I'd look them in the eye and say, "I'm done. I've had enough. I can't carry this burden anymore."
But then I remind myself:I've felt this way before, and I'm still here. I've been broken, I've been tired, I've been shattered. And somehow, I keep going. So maybe, just maybe, there's still some fight left in me.
Maybe that's why I'm still standing.If someone from my past, or even my present, tells you a tale about me, one that casts me as the villain, believe them.
Go on.
But before you do, ask yourself this: What did they do to push me that far?
I know I'm the villain in some people's stories, and that doesn't bother me.
People have a way of twisting the truth or starting the story when it suits them, when I become the villain. But they forget what led to that moment.
I don't wake up and decide to harm anyone.
But if you betray me, if you cross me, I won't come after you with revenge.I don't need to. You'll lose access to me.
That is punishment enough. If that makes me the villain in your eyes, so be it. I stand where I stand. I make no apologies.
music provided by Blue Dot Sessions
Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270