EPISODE 12 - Shawn Fry - Asperger’s, Autism, The Neurodiversity Foundation
Our Discussion - We welcome Shawn Fry and he shares his journey with Asperger's and life with his 2 daughters living with Autism. This frank and beautiful conversation opens the door to understanding and listening to one Dad sharing his thoughts and his struggles but also the beautiful joy of discovering how Autism is not a disability but that of a different ability!
Bio - our Guest
Shawn, became a successful executive and entrepreneur after being diagnosed with Asperger’s at age 42. He found success in his professional career only after he was afforded the opportunity as an executive in the healthcare industry to exercise a great deal of autonomy in his role. Shawn’s propensity for detail, hard questions and divergent solutions produced millions in both new revenue opportunity and cost savings for his employer. His innovative approach to the complexity of healthcare data laid the foundation for his entrepreneurial company, Prevalent Health where he left corporate America behind, hired nearly 150 employees and created his own "neurodiverse workplace culture". Shawn found that by cultivating an environment dependent upon open, honest dialogue, clear communication and vulnerability, the workplace culture was more supportive and accommodating to everyone's needs. People were happier, more productive and turnover rates were 0% after nearly 15 years. Shawn sold his company to private equity in 2019 and has dedicated the rest of his life to embracing neurodiversity and the powers it unlocks through thought leadership, personal security and self-esteem in one’s uniqueness. Shawn founded the Neurodiversity Foundation in 2016 in hopes of removing barriers and changing the narrative around neurodivergence in all professional fields and social environments. Shawn aims to drastically improve quality of life for neurodivergent individuals through the Neurodiversity Foundation’s goals to facilitate self-efficacy, acceptance, connection, and strengthen our communities and workforce.
He left corporate America behind hiring nearly 150 employees to create his own neurodiverse workplace culture. He’s been granted multiple patents, created dozens of healthcare analytics platforms, is a well respected speaker and author. In 2019 he sold his company to private equity and is spending the rest of his life, embracing neurodiversity, and the powers in the logic of leadership, personal security, and self-esteem in one’s uniqueness. I love that. He’s currently CIO of Potentia and CSO/Founder of the Neurodiversity Foundation and that’s what we’re talking about today! Enjoy!
As CIO of Potentia and The Neurodiversity Foundation founder, Shawn continues to build pathways for others on the spectrum to recognize their ability. He is a firm believer in “Strengths First.”
#MedicalBilling #HIPAACompliantSystems #Autism #BigDataAnalytics #ScalableTechnologyIntrastructure #HealthCareAnalytics #Aspergers #neurodiverse #neurodiverseworkplaceculture #NeurodiversityFoundation
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