Episode 65 - Dr. John DeGarmo - Foster Parenting, Adoption and Family without the labels
International Speaker and Foster Care/ Parenting Expert
Global Key Note Speaker and Presenter
Motivational Speaker
Inspirational Speaker
Consultant to foster care and child welfare agencies across the globe
Trauma Informed Speaker and Trainer
Best selling author of 10 books
Expert Witness for legal firms
the best selling book The Little Book of Foster Care Wisdom: 365 Days of Inspiration and Encouragement for Foster Care Families.
Recipient of the Good Morning America Ultimate Hero Award, the Heroes of the Homeless Award, and several other honors.
Dr. John DeGarmo is a popular and in demand Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) tranformational and motivational speaker and trainer. Dr. John travels the nation and globe working with schools, businesses, child welfare programs, foster care systems, and foster and adoptive parent groups, delivering powerful, humor filled, and inspiring messages and training seminars, empowering audiences across the world.
Dr. John brings tremendous energy to his delivery. He is a powerfully dynamic speaker, engaging the audience from beginning to end. John's presentations are thoroughly researched beforehand, and full of insight and information. Dr. John does not stop after the presentations, though, as he is a relationship builder, and spends quality time with audiences afterward, answering questions, listening to others, and giving additional insight.
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