EPISODE 5 - Working Overtime Hours on Father's Day - Who Needs You More
Welcome back! Simple question for you Dad - what does your priority?
Early in my Dad life, my career fed my need for affirmation and acceptance - I wanted to provide the best way possible for my family, but even in my best efforts there were many times that I saw less and less of my family and more and more time in a car commuting or behind a desk in a cubicle solving the world's problems and being the guy my boss could count on to go further and be more than my job title!
And then I would get home, try to cram in a brief summary of a day in the life of my family, put the kids to bed and fall into bed - rinse and repeat, day in and day out.
I reveled in the fruits of my labour - the great reviews at work, the bonuses, the awards, the way to go Dave's were a shot in the arm to keep on going. I missed my family, I missed the moments and as Father's Day passes by yet again, I hope that this year will be marked by a growth spurt in my Dad-ness! As I do life with fellow Dads, listen and learn, there is a renewed excitement in that my skills as a Dad will improve in spending time with YOU!
To all the Dads - do something small this week to focus on your family - one thing. Make this your passion this week and thanks for listening today!
podcast produced by TrueMediaSolutions.ca