Episode description
This week, Jon and Justin discuss:
- Justin's office is under construction 🛠️.
- How to talk about things that are hard.
- A review exercise from the book: The Great CEO Within (as recommended by Ben on Art of Product).
- It gives each founder the ability to say: "This bugs me."
- We've hired Helen (NamesAce) as a part-time contractor.
- Switching out our UI framework: Jon is rebuilding the Transistor app with Tailwind.
- How do you move to V2 of your app? Should you rebuild?
- Joel on Software: Things you should never do
- Interview with Mike from Freshbooks on Founders Talk.
- "It's possible that you build something new that's worse."
- Justin built a public changelog: transistor.fm/changelog
- A contest announcement at 23:20
- Jon needs a hat education: this is a 5-panel cap.
- Good option for startup swag: Printful.com.
- Print-on-demand fades differently than screenprinting.
- Interview with Ryan Holiday (on Noah Kagan's podcast)
- Funny Panic podcast episode
You can reply to this podcast here:
- Twitter: @buildyoursaas, @mijustin, @jonbuda
- Leave a comment on PodHunt; it's like Reddit, but for podcasts.
- Leave a comment on Breaker, the podcast app for iPhone.
- Interact on WhatPods.
- Email us: mail@transistor.fm
Thanks to our monthly supporters:
- Mason Hensley
- Borja Soler teami.io
- Ward from MemberSpace.com
- Eric Lima
- James Sowers (like Flowers) with UserInput.io
- Travis Fischer
- Matt Buckley, from NiceThings.io
- Russell Brown
- Evandro Sasse
- Pradyumna Shembekar (PD), pradyumna.dev
- Noah Prail, eventOneHQ.com
- Robert Simplicio, Simplicio.com
- Colin Gray alitu.com
- Josh Smith, hellosift.com
- Ivan Curkovic
- Brian Rhea (Pronounced “Ray”)
- Shane Smith, dev.transistor.fm
- Austin Loveless
- Simon Bennett, snapshooter.io
- Michael Sitver, letterjoy.co
- Paul Jarvis and Jack Ellis, usefathom.com
- Dan Buda danbuda.com
- Darby Frey
- Samori Augusto, thebicrowd.com
- Dave Young, magnusrush.com/
- Brad from Canada
- Sammy Schuckert
- Mike Walker
- Adam DuVander
- Dave Giunta (JOOnta)
- Kyle Fox GetRewardful.com
- Pascal from sharpen.page
- Rewardful.com
- Greg Park
- Mitchell Davis from RecruitKit.com.au
- Marcel Fahle, wearebold.af
- Bill Condo (@mavrck)
- Ward from MemberSpace.com
- Evandro Sasse
- Austin Loveless
- Michael Sitver
- Dan Buda
- Colin Gray
- Dave Giunta
Want to start a podcast on Transistor? Justin has a special coupon for you: get 15% off your first year of hosting: transistor.fm/justin
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