Lawn "care" giant TruGreen used its bought and paid for Florida legislators to sneak through a provision in the state budget forbidding cities and counties from regulating the use of fertilizer in summer months, fertilizer often spread by TruGreen, fertilizer which contains phosphorous and leads to blue-green algae blooms and the poisoning of Florida's water.
Our guest this week is Roben Farzad, Miami native and author of "Hotel Scarface: Where Cocaine Cowboys Partied and Plotted to Control Miami." Miami in the late 1970s and early to mid-80s was a wild, violent, tropical paradise and horror show flush with drug cash, killers, CIA and superstars. Roben takes us there in the book.
Follow Roben on Twitter @RobenFarzad and the book across social media using the hashtag #hotelscarface.
Hurricane season is here and to secure your home or business from hurricane wind damage, look up
Whether you’re an expat chasing the dream, a traveller inspired by European elegance...
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