Episode description
With everything from 3D rockets, to NFTs and custom-made songs, episode 19 of Tab Talk is sure to have something for everyone.
https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/05/tech/relativity-rocket-space-feature-factory-scn/index.html (Colin)
- 3D printing Rockets
- $1.2B raise in 8 months
- Largest 3D printer in the world
https://www.winbg.com/ (Oren)
- House of Brands
- Ecom brands are being started in with multiple lines
- Ecom brands being acquired by houses
- Ecom brands banding together to share resources and community
https://www.songfinch.com/ (James)
- Songs on demand
- Reminds us of the podcast one from last week, tales.com
- What other opportunities are there for on-demand custom content?
- Can this scale?
http://landforce.com (Colin)
- Let’s talk about domains
https://maxread.substack.com/p/mapping-the-celebrity-nft-complex (Oren)
- This is getting out of hand...Bonecoin?
- NFT show with Aston Kutcher and...Vitalik Buterin?
- Tony Hawk?
- The true wild west
https://www.onewrk.com/ (James)
- Pickaxes and shovels of creator economy
- Super needed for podcasters and YouTubers
- What are the other pickaxes and shovels the industry needs?