When most of us think of suffragettes (a.k.a. women who fought for the right to vote), we think of Susan B. Anthony or Emmeline Pankhurst.
We should, however, also be thinking about the extraordinary Nazek al-Abid!
In the latest installment in our “forgotten women” mini-series, we explore the story of this remarkable woman. Exiled countless times for voicing (and acting upon) her beliefs, she never stopped fighting.
Get the whole story in episode 72 of the Vocabbett podcast!
(By the way, because her name is transliterated from Arabic, it’s sometimes spelled “Naziq” or “Nazik.” None are incorrect; I just went with what was on the Syrian stamp!)
Read More:
‘Forgotten Princesses’ article I reference throughout the episode: https://www.rejectedprincesses.com/princesses/naziq-al-abid