Live Shows:
Hanover, NH (free!): 10/22, 5:00 PM at Dartmouth University — Herbert Faulkner West Auditorium in Carpenter Hall. With Carole Hooven!: CANCELLED
Boston, 10/24:
Arlington, Virginia (late), 10/29:
Show notes:
Carrie Jade Williams has had a lot of tough breaks, but perhaps none tougher than the time a French family sued her for being disabled, demanding, as recompense for the discomfort of having slept under her roof, an utterly unreasonable number of weighted blankets. This is definitely a real lawsuit that actually happened, but if it wasn’t, wouldn’t that raise certain questions about Williams? And might those questions lead some interesting places? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Keffals, Continued
NBC’s (highly biased) coverage of the Keffals affair
BAR’s (far superior) true and honest coverage of the case
The shitpost heard around the world
If any of you are complete nerds with way too much time, the first three images were sent to Jesse, and they’re followed by the original 4chan post
Carrie Jade Williams
Indy100 article claims Williams was told to refund Airbnb guests who didn’t like her disabled doorbell
Williams claims former guests, now backed by an unnamed lobbying group, are suing her for a “life-changing amount” in emotional damages
Petition: “Help me show a Judge that disabled people aren't scary”
Williams: “it’s a ‘cancel culture’ situation”
Williams’ award-winning piece on her condition
2022: She describes utilizing Braille and creating her own assistive tech to regain functionality after losing her ability to read
2021: She demonstrates her legendary “hands-free Braille” technique
2011: Liquid Jade avoids prison after stealing a couple’s life savings through an absurdly long and detailed con
Samantha Jade Cookes
Carrie Jade Williams
Williams: “anyone suggesting we are the same individual will face the full force of the law”
Image: “Empty hospital patient room - stock photo” via Getty