In this week's threesome of an episode, which was recorded with enthusiastic consent by everyone involved, Katie and Jesse talk to Dan Savage about the strange case of Alex Morse, the young, gay, Democratic congressional candidate and Massachusetts mayor accused of... well, it isn't quite clear. But what is quickly becoming clear is that Morse appears to have been set up by college kids loyal to his opponent, the incumbent establishment candidate, Richard Neal. What can this episode teach us about power, consent, and the schizophrenic attitude some lefty zoomers have toward sex? Also: Has the queer community lost its sense of humor? Why does everyone forget what it's like to be 20 by the time they are 30? And how hot would president-on-president porn be? (Please do not send this episode to anyone who isn't explicitly asking for it.)
(Update, 8/16/2020: Changing the title from "Dan Savage Deciphers Morse Code" to "Introducing Mount Holey Oak" because the latter is funnier and better and we want to use it for the public version dropping tomorrow. Re-uploading identical file with new title. Consider the old one a collector's item!)
The Intercept's coverage of this whole mess:
College Democrat at Center of Attack on Alex Morse Hoped to Launch Career Through Richard Neal -
Chats Reveal Plan to Engineer and Leak Alex Morse Accusation -
Party Leaders Investigating Anti-Morse Campaign Helped Orchestrate It -
Dan Savage's stuff:
Savage Love -
Savage Lovecast -