In today's episode, the hosts zero in on an obscure, under-covered newspaper known as "The New York Times." Specifically, they discuss an explosion of employee anger over the paper's decision to publish a column by Sen. Tom Cotton, and what it can (maybe) tell everyone about internal dynamics in some media companies at the moment. Then, they shift gears to a Times article about a nonbinary 7-year-old and discuss the ways in which a certain subgenre of storytelling could be obscuring the nature of gender-identity development. In the show's final, patrons-only segment, Katie tells Jesse about an Instagram controversy involving white liberals trying to show how much they care about racial injustice, but digging themselves into a deeper and deeper hole as a result.
Show notes and links (* denotes stuff that happened after our episode went up):
"Tom Cotton: Send In the Troops" -
* "Senator’s ‘Send In the Troops’ Op-Ed in The Times Draws Online Ire" -
* "New York Times Says Senator’s Op-Ed Did Not Meet Standards" -
* "The Inside Story of the Tom Cotton Op-Ed that Rocked the New York Times" -
(An article in which Cotton's camp strongly denies the idea of an unusual editorial process)
* "Yesterday two dozen of us who make @nytimes publishing tools called out sick in solidarity with our Black colleagues & in protest of the Cotton op-ed. I was harassed on Twitter all day for it." -
* "The civil war inside The New York Times between the (mostly young) wokes the (mostly 40+) liberals is the same one raging inside other publications and companies across the country. The dynamic is always the same. (Thread.)" -
"The Hardest Part of Having a Nonbinary Kid Is Other People" -
"What Is Gender Identity?" -
"Attention white people: Your #BLM memes are not enough" -
"Blackout Tuesday posts are drowning out vital information shared under the BLM hashtag" -