Ever try to work on a Saturday?
My guess is it goes something like this...
You wake up.
You're excited because (normally) you don't get interrupted on Saturdays.
No emails to answer. No phone calls. No messages from your team. No planned meetings.
It's an awesome time to catch up or try to get ahead for the coming week (you can even hide from your family a bit).
...when you sit down to actually start working, you think, "I've got three whole hours to get this done! I've got plenty of time!"
Next thing you know, you've checked your emails... you've watched a few cat videos on facebook... you've reorganized your pen cup... all while still thinking you have plenty of time.
And then you look up at the clock, and it's 2:45pm – and you haven't even started what you meant to get done that day.
So then one of two things happens... let's dive in!
In this webinar you’ll learn:
The Major Mindset Shift that all successful coaches and service providers adopt as they begin to build their profitable business.
Examples To Help You Schedule Like A CEO during any phase of your business to maintain the freedom you desire as you grow.
The Most Simple and Effective CEO Workflow that dramatically reduces time and money wasting tasks AND allows the income producing tasks to be completed in less than an hour!
The Most Effective Way To Schedule Your Time and why you MUST know this right out of the gate to stay motivated through your entire business journey.