If you read the title of this episode then you know it's time to take a seat and buckle up. Today we're going in on a long-awaited topic, but also an undercurrent of a lot of our episodes and conversations, and that is...GirlBoss culture and its intersections with pop music.
What is GirlBoss really? What does it pretend to be? Where did this term come from? And mirror mirror on the wall, which pop songs are most GirlBoss of all? We'll assess some hits by some faves: from Taylor Swift to Arethra Franklin, from Ciara to Xtina Aguilera.
We're also discussing the latest on Britney Spears' conservatorship after her June 23 direct appeal. After all, the trajectory of Britney's life and career involved very hard work under a system that technically made her financially successful and the biggest pop star to ever exist, but also mistreated her to no end for profit and has done so with increasingly intensifying forms of exploitation. And nothing exposes the sham of GirlBoss philosophy quite like that.
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