Episode 39, "Freaky Girl Friday," (Season 3, Episode 9). Vera offers Lyssa a peek into the alternate timeline. Yevgeny reveals Putin's plan (among other things) to Trump, and Ivanka's shocking announcement throws the RNC into chaos. Written by Lyssa Graham and Dale Leopold, and featuring the vocal talents of the Suffolk & Goode Players: Dustin Ebaugh (Jay, Vegas Bartender) Lori Furth (Millermobile, Ivanka Trump, Elizabeth Warren) Lyssa Graham (herself, Alt-Lyssa, CNN Reporter) Dale Leopold (Announcer, Putin, Trump) Nancy McLemor e (Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Reporter 1, Hillary Clinton) Chris Mezzolesta (Stephen Miller, Yevgeny, Eric Trump, Reporter 2, fitness instructor) Karyn O'Bryant (Jake, Vera, Lilith) and George Washington III (Gizmo, Andrei). Original music composed, performed and produced by Chris Mezzolesta. The song, "America, I'm Your Brand!" was written by Dale Leopold and Chris Mezzolesta, and featured Lori Furth. Artwork by Richard McMurry Editing, sound design and audio production by Dale Leopold