Sixty percent of employers will reportedly send employees to “office etiquette” training in 2024. Whether it’s folks returning to the office after years of working remotely, or recent college grads without office experience — apparently people don’t know how to act around one another anymore. The team discusses the impact of decreased human interactions and the need to establish office behavior norms. Kim, Brandi and Jason also emphasize the importance of open communication and creating explicit norms, especially in hybrid and remote work environments. And if you work in person, don't touch other people's keyboards or drop Dorito crumbs onto their desks.
00:00 Introduction 05:08 Challenges of Returning to the Office 10:27 Creating Norms for Office Spaces 14:54 The Challenge of Remote Work 19:30 Setting Norms for Hybrid Teams 32:21 Addressing Time Zone Challenges 39:18 The Goal of Radical Candor: Connecting Through Conversation 40:21 Bottoms Up Norm Setting vs Top Down Rulemaking 41:21 Inefficiency as a Path to Efficiency 43:31 Radical Candor Checklist