IG: boardgamespecialist
FB: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
IG: mels_boardgame_room
FB Mel's Board Game Room
YouTube: Mel's Board Game Room
[4:34] The Search for Lost Species
[12:20] Sagrada
[16:48] Herd Mentality
[20:46] DiceThrone Santa vs Krampus
[24:29] Tumblin Dice
[25:57] Tuki
[31:18] 24/7 the game
[36:06] Big Money
[37:20]Mind Craft Portal Dash
[40:06] Rhino Hero
[42:33] Perspectives
[45:42] Emerge
[49:04] Barcelona
[53:12] Terra Nova
[1:08:33] Carla-10 x 10 Designers games challenge
[1:11:20] Mel-Monthly top 9 for you-tube channel
[1:12:40] Carla-Keep only 2 cubicles with my crime/escape/mysterygames, reduced from 6 cubicles
[1:16:16] Mel-Keep shelf of shame below 20%
[1:20:15]Carla- if I buy a game, 3 have to be off the shelf of shame
[1:23:06] Mel-Develop local game group