Episode description
IG: boardgamespecialist
FB: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
IG: mels_boardgame_room
FB Mel's Board Game Room
YouTube: Mel's Board Game Room
[6:09] Bloodrage tournament
[17:45] Comic Hunters
[24:01] It's a Wonderful World
[26:37] Apiary
[31:11] Knarr
[38:24] Robo Rally
[41:43] Darwins Journey
[46:59] The White Castle
[54:00] After Us
[1:01:16] Dice Throne: Santa vs Krampus
[1:06:52] Earth
[1:13:48] Everdell: Farshore
[1:17:33] Amun-Re
[1:25:25] Age of Innovation
[1:30:53] Heat: Pedal to the Metal
[1:34:12] Bloodrage