Carla and Melanie are joined with Solomon Kwan from D6Tabletop Café. D6 just celebrated their one year anniversary. They are located at 2323 32 Ave NE #112, Calgary, AB.
[2:40] Viticulture World
[6:09] Ark Nova
[8:39] Wingspan Asia
[13:50] What was the process of starting your own game cafe?
[17:54] Has having the store affected your love of gaming?
[21:59] How many games are there inthe store library?
[25:05] How do you organize your games?
[31:17] How do you pick what to add to the collectiom?
[33:52] Do you have a certain amount of space for games? Do you have to remove some if new ones come in?
[42:55] What percentage of new gamers vs seasoned gamers do you get in?
Take note, YouTube hates me. I have loaded this video 4 times now, and each times it skips the last 8 minutes.
You can find Carla at
You can find Melanie at