Carla and Melanie list their top 9 bird themed board games.
[0:53] Happy Pigs
[1:52] Catan
[2:08] King of Tokyo
[2:14] Lord of Waterdeep
[4:20] Teotihuacan
[10:40] Mel's Honorable Mention - Rook
[14:07] Carla's #9 Songbird
[18:22] Mel's #9 Pina Pirata
[21:52] Carla's #8 Trails of Tucana
[24:16] Mel's #8 Odin's Ravens
[29:25] Carla's #7 Cubert
[31:58] Mel's #7 Grackles
[35:02] Carla's #6 Enchanted Plumes
[37:55] Mel's #6 Crows
[42:50] Carla's #5 Birds of a Feather
[46:10] Mel's #5 Meadows
[49:36] Carla's #4 Piepmatz
[51:55] Mel's # 4 Cascadia
[55:13] Carla's #3 Bird Watcher
[57:39] Mel's #3 Evolution Flight
[1:01:22] Carla's #2 Seikatsu
[1:04:25] Mel's #2 Birds of a Feather
[1:07:34] Carla's #1 Wingspan
[1:09:11] Mel's #1 Wingspan
You can find Carla on
Instagram: boardgamespecialist
Facebook: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
You can find Melanie on
Instagram: mels_boardgame_room
Facebook: Mel's Board Game Room
YouTube: Mel's Board Game Room
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