Carla and Melanie list their favorite games by designer Uwe Rosenberg.
[1:26] Valparaiso
[6:36] Adventures of Robin hood
[8:26] Search
[12:01] Reorganizing the board games
[16:58] Le Havre / New York Zoo
[17:44] Carla's #9 Caverna
[20:34] Mel's #9 Patchwork
[23:35] Carla's #8 Glass Road
[27:36] Mel's #8 Framework
[30:20] Carla's #7 Feast for Odin
[35:37] Mel's #7 Nova Luna
[38:01] Carla's #6 Patchwork
[38:39] Carla's #5 Atiwa
[42:10] Mel's #6 Bohnanza Duel
[44:20] Mel's #5 Bohnanza
[47:20] Carla's #4 Framework
[48:18] Mel's # 4 Mama Mia
[52:54] Carla's #3 Hallertau
[56:30] Mel's #3 Fields of Arle
[58:26] Carla's #2 Fields of Arle
[59:30] Mel's #2 Agricola / Agricola All Creatures Big and Small
[1:02:13] Carla's #1 Nova Luna
[1:03:15] Mel's #1 Le Havre the Inland Port
You can find Carla on
Instagram: boardgamespecialist
Facebook: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
You can find Melanie on
Instagram: mels_boardgame_room
Facebook: Mel's Board Game Room
YouTube: Mel's Board Game Room
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