Carla attended GobFest in Edmonton Alberta and although Melanie did not attend this year she hosted her own game day, Gobsnack. These are the top 9 games they played over the weekend.
Yokohama Duel [3:17]
Octodice [4:14]
Micro Macro [5:05]
Gugong [6:12]
Ishtar [6:30]
God of War the Card Game [6:55]
Not Alone [6:59]
One Key [8:28]
Luna [8:30]
Destinies Sea & Sand [8:33]
Destinies Myth & Folklore [8:41]
World Monument [8:47]
Gen 7 [8:52]
Chronicles of Crime Noir [9:03]
Chronicles of Crime Welcome to Redview [9:06]
Speed Dating Killer Robots [9:52]
Carla's #9 Mille Fiori [13:57]
Mel's #9 Rolling Realms [15:36]
Carla's #8 Magic Maze [18:20]
Mel's #8 Radland [21:53]
Carla's #7 Terramara [24:55]
Mel's #7 Air Land & Sea [29:13]
Air Land & Sea Critters at War [33:33]
Carla's #6 Earth [34:00]
Mel's #6 Downforce [40:23]
Carla's #5 Hamburg [45:28]
Mel's #5 BloodRage [49:43]
Carla's #4 Turring Machine [52:19]
Mel's #4 For Sale [58:26]
Carla's #3 The Crew Mission Deep Sea [1:01:54]
Mel's #3 Sherlock 13 [1:06:35]
Carla's #2 Fantasy Realms [1:08:13]
Mel's #2 No Thanks [1:11:59]
Carla's #1 My Father's Work [1:15:36]
Mel's #1 Pandemic Reign of Cthulhu [1:20:24]