Carla and Melanie list their top 50 games of all time. They are on 10 to 1.
Time stamps coming soon
You can find Carla on
Instagram: boardgamespecialist
Facebook: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
You can find Melanie on
Instagram: mels_boardgame_room
Facebook: Mel's Board Game Room
YouTube: Mel's Board Game Room
Come say Hi on Discord
[00:01:11] Wayfarers of the South Tigris
[00:07:38] Cat in the Box
[00:11:37] Ultimate Railroads
[00:15:43] Star Realms
[00:18:12] Wingspan
[00:20:44] Lords of Waterdeep
[00:23:34] Lost Ruins of Arnak
[00:27:18] Mansions of Madness 2nd edition
[00:30:56] Anno 1800
[00:34:57] Ashes Reborn Rise of the Phoenixborn
[00:39:52] Castles of Mad King Ludwig
[00:44:03] Dicethrone
[00:49:04] Concordia
[00:53:42] Champions of Midguard
[00:58:05] Grand Austria Hotel
[01:03:00] Memoir 44
[01:06:03] Viticulture
[01:11:27] Bloodrage
[01:14:50] Castles of Burgundy
[01:18:53] Chronicles of Crime
[01:24:50] Everdell
[01:29:00] Legendary Encounters Alien