Carla and Melanie list the games they most look forward to play from their shelf of shame.
You can find Carla on
Instagram: boardgamespecialist
Facebook: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
You can find Melanie on
Instagram: mels_boardgame_room
Facebook: Mel's Board Game Room
YouTube: Mel's Board Game Room
Come say Hi on Discord
[00:03:13] Gartenbau
[00:05:27] Habitiats
[00:08:13] Magic Block(Frame It)
[00:10:43] D6 Tabletop Cafe
[00:11:49] Glasgow
[00:12:42] Chinese Checkers
[00:13:58] Pillars of the Earth
[00:16:09] Innovation
[00:18:04] Seasons
[00:19:38] Lost Cities Rivals
[00:21:18] Board Game Geek the board game
[00:22:55] Lovelace & Babbage
[00:26:27] Concordia
[00:29:23] Valparaiso
[00:31:08] Its a Wonderful World
[00:32:38] Sierra West
[00:34:15] Destinies
[00:38:14] Santa Maria
[00:40:00] Heros of Air Land & Sea
[00:42:50] Weather Machine
[00:45:21] Too Many Bones
[00:48:09] THe Game of Wolf
[00:51:30] Terraforming Mars Aries Expedition
[00:53:48] The Emerald Flame
[00:57:27] The Key series, (Keyper,Key Harvest, Key Market, Key to the City London)